キーワードは、星、 空、 雪、 山、 水、 土。
Stars, Sky, Snow, Mountains, Water, Soil.
All of these connect with food.
When a new glow appears in the history of cuisine,
on which the stars have looked down on for eons.
The village of Toga, nestled deep in the mountains. Look up to its sky, and in summer see the Milky Way, and in winter a night full of stars beyond the frozen air. The sparkling stars, free from the lights of cities, have quietly looked down for eons upon eons right from when humans were eating nuts and fruits, then plowing fields, growing fruits and vegetables, and creating today’s food cultures. The goal of L'évo is to offer food that has never been seen before, food that would astonish these stars. If the stars we see in Toga seem to shine more brightly than ever, that could perhaps be a sign that L'évo’s challenge has borne fruit.
The sky surrounded by mountains, and scant sunlight.
This is what makes the atmosphere beautiful, the food delicious.
The ridges of peaks over 1,000 m tall slice up the sky of Toga like a picture frame. The sun rises late, and sets early. The sun is visible for much less time than from cities or plains. This might suggest that it is hard to grow food here, but there is no need to worry. The short sunlight in fact means lots of delicious food can be had here. And because nights are long, the air is bracing and clear. When you visit L'évo, the first thing you should do is take deep breaths of our pure air.
In a village where the snow lies deep,
people’s lifestyles are undefeated by it.
Toyama is known for deep snow, and the snow in the village of Toga is particularly deep. In the middle of winter, it is common for the snow to lie two to three meters deep. But the roads are still passable. Nor does our roof collapse from the snow. This is because we are fully equipped with snow removal facilities, on the assumption that snow will fall, and the roof is designed to shed snow. L'évo has learned from the wisdom of our forebears, and we do our best to ensure that we will not be buried under heavy snow. Enjoy a mystical winter landscape after following the snowy roads to arrive here.
Everywhere you look is the gift of the mountains.
And what can be done in the mountains.
L'évo is surrounded on all sides by mountains where nature remains untouched. The people of Toga have lived in harmony with the mountains, cutting wood, gathering mountain vegetables and mushrooms, and hunting boar and deer. We chose Toga to open L'évo because we were so impressed by the way people live here, unchanged for centuries. The rivers that flow through Toga eventually pour into the sea, helping create the marine bounty of Toyama Bay. Here, it feels as if the mountains and the sea are connected, so what sort of seafood dishes could we provide here? Our ideas continually expand outwards.
Natural mountain water
might be the ultimate seasoning.
The snow that accumulates in winter suddenly starts to melt in spring. The beautiful, endlessly blue snowmelt is absorbed into the mountains, becoming groundwater before bubbling up in the rivers and flowing down to Toyama Bay. Toyama is a treasure house of ingredients thanks to this clear, pure water. The same way that water is vital for human life, so it is for rice, vegetables, animals, and fish. Water is also vital for cooking these. The ingredients created with the mountain water of Toga are cooked in the mountain water of Toga. That alone takes their taste to a new level.
Creating soil for cooking by chefs
is as deep as cooking itself.
L'évo has its own vegetable garden. This was not just because we want to use fresh vegetables in our cooking. It was also because we learned that creating the soil for fields is akin to cooking. We use yeast, control the soil pH, and apply many methods to improve the soil condition. We create dishes from inspiration given by the vegetables we grow in soil created from the perspective of a chef, which is a little different to soil created by a farmer. What sort of vegetables will come from what sort of soil, and what sort of dishes will they make? We invite you to come and find out.

When a new glow appears in the history of cuisine, on which the stars have looked down on for eons.
The village of Toga, nestled deep in the mountains. Look up to its sky, and in summer see the Milky Way, and in winter a night full of stars beyond the frozen air. The sparkling stars, free from the lights of cities, have quietly looked down for eons upon eons right from when humans were eating nuts and fruits, then plowing fields, growing fruits and vegetables, and creating today’s food cultures. The goal of L'évo is to offer food that has never been seen before, food that would astonish these stars. If the stars we see in Toga seem to shine more brightly than ever, that could perhaps be a sign that L'évo’s challenge has borne fruit.

The sky surrounded by mountains, and scant sunlight. This is what makes the atmosphere beautiful, the food delicious.
The ridges of peaks over 1,000 m tall slice up the sky of Toga like a picture frame. The sun rises late, and sets early. The sun is visible for much less time than from cities or plains. This might suggest that it is hard to grow food here, but there is no need to worry. The short sunlight in fact means lots of delicious food can be had here. And because nights are long, the air is bracing and clear. When you visit L'évo, the first thing you should do is take deep breaths of our pure air.

In a village where the snow lies deep, people’s lifestyles are undefeated by it.
Toyama is known for deep snow, and the snow in the village of Toga is particularly deep. In the middle of winter, it is common for the snow to lie two to three meters deep. But the roads are still passable. Nor does our roof collapse from the snow. This is because we are fully equipped with snow removal facilities, on the assumption that snow will fall, and the roof is designed to shed snow. L'évo has learned from the wisdom of our forebears, and we do our best to ensure that we will not be buried under heavy snow. Enjoy a mystical winter landscape after following the snowy roads to arrive here.

Everywhere you look is the gift of the mountains. And what can be done in the mountains.
L'évo is surrounded on all sides by mountains where nature remains untouched. The people of Toga have lived in harmony with the mountains, cutting wood, gathering mountain vegetables and mushrooms, and hunting boar and deer. We chose Toga to open L'évo because we were so impressed by the way people live here, unchanged for centuries. The rivers that flow through Toga eventually pour into the sea, helping create the marine bounty of Toyama Bay. Here, it feels as if the mountains and the sea are connected, so what sort of seafood dishes could we provide here? Our ideas continually expand outwards.

Natural mountain water might be the ultimate seasoning.
The snow that accumulates in winter suddenly starts to melt in spring. The beautiful, endlessly blue snowmelt is absorbed into the mountains, becoming groundwater before bubbling up in the rivers and flowing down to Toyama Bay. Toyama is a treasure house of ingredients thanks to this clear, pure water. The same way that water is vital for human life, so it is for rice, vegetables, animals, and fish. Water is also vital for cooking these. The ingredients created with the mountain water of Toga are cooked in the mountain water of Toga. That alone takes their taste to a new level.

Creating soil for cooking by chefs is as deep as cooking itself.
L'évo has its own vegetable garden. This was not just because we want to use fresh vegetables in our cooking. It was also because we learned that creating the soil for fields is akin to cooking. We use yeast, control the soil pH, and apply many methods to improve the soil condition. We create dishes from inspiration given by the vegetables we grow in soil created from the perspective of a chef, which is a little different to soil created by a farmer. What sort of vegetables will come from what sort of soil, and what sort of dishes will they make? We invite you to come and find out.

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POTTER富山県富山市釋永 岳Toyama City, Toyama PrefectureGaku ShakunagaREAD MORE
FISHMONGER富山県富山市黒崎鮮魚店Toyama City, Toyama PrefectureKurosaki FishmongerREAD MORE
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TRADITIONAL CRAFTS富山県高岡市シマタニ昇龍工房Takaoka City, Toyama PrefectureShimatani Shouryu KoubouREAD MORE
ARTIST富山県富山市Shimoo DesignToyama City, Toyama PrefectureShimoo DesignREAD MORE
METALWORK ARTIST富山県中新川郡立山町釋永 維Tateyama Town, Nakaniikawa County, Toyama PrefectureYui ShakunagaREAD MORE
GLASS ARTIST富山県富山市小路口屋Toyama City, Toyama PrefectureShojiguchiyaREAD MORE
POTTER富山県中新川郡立山町庄楽窯Tateyama Town, Nakaniikawa County, Toyama PrefectureShoraku KilnREAD MORE
GLASS ARTIST富山県富山市Taizo Glass StudioToyama City, Toyama PrefectureTaizo Glass StudioREAD MORE
FARM富山県富山市有限会社土遊野Toyama City, Toyama PrefectureDoyuunoREAD MORE
EDIBLE FLOWERS富山県南砺市フラワーンダフル千華園Nanto City, Toyama PrefectureFlowerndaful SenkaenREAD MORE
SILK PRODUCTS富山県南砺市松井機業Nanto City, Toyama PrefectureMatsui Silk WeavingREAD MORE
ARTIST富山県高岡市モメンタムファクトリー OriiToyama City, Toyama PrefectureMomentum Factory OriiREAD MORE
GOAT CHEESE FARM富山県黒部市吉田興産 Y&Co.Kurobe City, Toyama PrefectureY & Co.READ MORE
DESIGNER岐阜県出身Foo TokyoBorn in Gifu PrefectureFoo TokyoREAD MORE