Nestled between the other high mountain ranges of Tateyama and its companions, and the Sea of Japan, lie the well-watered, fertile plains of Toyama. With the bounty of the sea from Toyama Bay, the bounty of the mountains such as rice, vegetables, and game meats, and much more than can be listed here, it is one of the most abundant treasure troves of ingredients in Japan.

The city of Nanto lies in the southwest of Toyama, bordering the prefectures of Ishikawa and Gifu. Nanto has both extensive rice fields amidst which are dotted the traditional farmhouses of the sankyoson, the “scattered villages,” and mountainous areas, home to the World Heritage villages of steep thatched houses. Many traditional cultures, from silk weaving to Inami wood carving, still thrive here today.

This is a richly verdant area, surrounded by beautiful mountains over 1,000 meters high, and cut through by the clear waters of the Toga and Momose rivers. The narrow valleys seem to almost ward off human entry, which is why the beautiful nature of Japan, and the traditional landscapes of the good old days, still remain here.

富山県南砺市利賀村大勘場田島100番地100 Tanoshima, Togamura-Daikanba, Nanto City, Toyama Pref. 939-2518 Japan
TEL 0763-68-2115
TEL +81-763-68-2115
[8月上旬は夏季休業]Every Wednesday
and the 1st and 3rd Tuesday
(Closed for summer in early August) - PARKING
新幹線・電車からBy shinkansen / train
空港からFrom the airport

高速インターからFrom the expressway interchange

By shinkansen / train
From the airport
From the expressway interchange
If you are going to take a taxi
from Kanazawa Station
金沢駅 → レヴォ
(お食事中3時間待機想定)→ 金沢駅
Kanazawa Station →
L’évo (will wait 3 hours while you dine) → Kanazawa Station
(Total 6 hours)
39,500 yen (incl. tax)
金沢駅 → レヴォ(又は、レヴォ→金沢駅)
One Way
Kanazawa Station → L’évo
OR L’évo → Kanazawa Station
(Total 1.5 hours)
23,700 yen (incl. tax)
- ※迎車料金・待機料金・時間制運賃を含みます。
- ※利用時間の延長については30分3,950円の追加料金が発生します。
- ※高速利用が必要な場合は、金沢東IC ー 福光IC 料金1,090円が追加になります。
- ※タクシーの車種は、アルファード(5人乗)またはカムリ(4人乗)でございます。
- ※ご出発日の3日前までに、お問合せください(台数に限りがございますので、ご希望に添えない場合もございます)。
- ※富山駅や福光駅、または富山県内・石川県内の各ホテルとの往復など、ルートのカスタマイズも可能でございます。
- *Includes shuttle charges, stand-by charges, and hourly charges.
- *An additional 3,950 yen per 30 minutes will be charged for extending the usage time.
- *If using the expressway between Kanazawa-Higashi and Fukumitsu interchanges, an additional charge of 1,090 yen will apply.
- *The taxi shuttle will be either a Toyota Alphard (seats five) or a Camry (seats four).
- *Please contact us at least 3 days in advance (capacity is limited, so we may not be able to provide shuttle service).
- *Routes can be customized to meet your needs. For example, you can be picked up and dropped off at Toyama Station, Fukumitsu Station, or hotels in Toyama and Ishikawa Prefectures.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to ask about route customization. (Fees for customized routes will be calculated separately)
- ご注意事項
- 山間部のため、道路工事や大雨などの事情で、通行止めとなることもあります。
- 冬季は、北陸屈指の雪深い地域となります。お車でお越しの際は、スタッドレスタイヤまたはタイヤチェーンが必要です。4WD車をお勧めいたします。
- 初夏は、深い霧が発生することもあります。
- 各ルートとも、携帯電話の電波が届きづらい区間があります。また、ルートAは、夜間の電灯が全くない区間があります。
- Due to our location in a mountain valley, roads may become impassable due to construction or storms, etc.
- This is one of the snowiest areas in Japan during winter. You will need snow tires or chains if you drive here. We recommend 4WD vehicles.
- Early summer can see thick fog.
- All routes pass through areas where cell phone reception is poor.
In addition, Route A has sections where there is no street lighting at all.
- 冬季のアクセスについて
L’évo is over a small bridge and up a narrow, steep hill. If you cannot manage this due to snow or other reasons, please contact us from Soba-no-Sato nearby. Someone will come to collect you.
- お問い合わせ
TEL 0763-68-2115
TEL +81-763-68-2115
We also offer a shuttle service for overnight guests to
and from Etchu-Yatsuo Station on the JR line.